Hello again! It's really past time for us to get caught up on this legacy, because Rafael and Celeste have several school-aged children in-game now, and here on the blog, they're not even married! I want to get caught up before I've played so far ahead I can't remember anything. So, if everything goes according to plan, I'll have several updates up in a shorter span of time than is usual for me.
Last time, we finally saw Celeste and her boyfriend Rafael become young adults, Celeste reformed the Paragons, Laurel passed on to join her wife, Faye and Andres became elders, Isaac started dating Yuki Behr, and the Day of the Dead challenge was finally achieved shortly before Rafael moved in. I think that's basically everything, so let's catch up with the family now . . .
With no transition whatsoever, they are now in Granite Falls to get generation six hitched. Only, ha ha, joke's on me because you can't have destination weddings in Granite Falls. Oh well, at least Faye can maybe get that last unique fish she needs by catching one of the GF fish . . .
TS4: "Lol. No. Can't do that either."
Dammit. They don't count. Okay, everyone go home.
Fine then. If we can't have a pretty backwoods wedding, we'll do this all nice and proper. Andres appears to approve of this method more anyway, since he's gloating over the beautiful wedding cake that he made.
I had just gotten City Living at this point, and I may have been having a little fun with some of the stuff, so that may have influenced the décor and Celeste's dress. Also, they're getting married under the tree she proposed under.
The wedding party observed strict sex-segregation when deciding where to stand. Besides Ava, Isaac, and Aunt Amy, we also have simJ and simRoxy, who managed to show up to a party for once.
First bites of cake were sweetly shared.
The bride's mother and older sister gave their blessings.
And with that, Celeste and Rafael Gregory are now the official gen. 6 couple! We really need to do something about Rafael's face, though. He totally looks like he's skipping second period geometry for this.
That can wait, though. With Rafael having the Outdoor Enthusiast aspiration, they headed back to a nice house in Granite Falls, just the two of them this time, to celebrate the beginning of their marriage.
This time I came prepared. I want Celeste to eventually become an art critic, and she's been working on her painting, but I knew she wouldn't have access to a computer, so I brought all three writing books in her inventory. This is mostly what she did the entire trip. I felt really bad, but her new husband needed to spend the honeymoon traipsing around the woods, collecting plants and fish and the friendship of the hermit and whatnot.
I wanted to try to get as much of Rafael's aspiration out of the way as possible, and hopefully bring back lots of supplies for him to work on herbalism. This is probably my #1 least favorite aspiration in the game, even above some of the grind-y ones and even more so than the cruelly random Angling Ace, because you can't just do it around family life. Oh no, this one you have to commit to.
Soon Rafael heads off to the deep woods, leaving Celeste back at the cabin, but it was boring, the hermit was nowhere to be seen, and none of the plants that we needed were ripe yet.
Celeste: "It's so nice that you finally deigned to notice your new wife is on the trip with you. Here, a present in exchange for the affection."
Rafael: "Oh! A rose! So beautiful! The thorns remind me of the blackberries I couldn't harvest yet at the hermit's hut."
Celeste: "Hmm. Sounds interesting. I sat inside and read a book. Great honeymoon."
Rafael "*dreamy sigh* Isn't it?"
Celeste then transitioned into one of her famous dramatic stories. I'm so glad she hasn't given up this habit yet. Although Rafael is having to abandon his husbandly duties, these two are very much in love and enjoy spending time together whenever Rafael isn't off messing around in the woods.
In fact, Rafael is so rapturously in love that he let the fire die down and isn't even holding his beetles over it anymore, all in favor of watching his wife play horseshoes.
Rafael: "The way she misses every throw is so hot!"
To try to keep them in the same room at least for a while, Rafael picked up some herbalism books at the ranger's station and did some studying for a while.
That takes ridiculous amounts of time to get anywhere, though, so he mixed up a few concoctions instead.
Later on, he met the hermit, who forgot his pants somewhere. They became friends, completing another aspiration goal.
Celeste: "Raf, we haven't seen each other much, and I'd really like to spend time with you. What do you say, tonight, we just stay in the cabin and get some real quality time in?"
Rafael: "Wonderful! And then tomorrow I can go bug hunting!"
Celeste: "Yes, tomorrow morning you are free again, but tonight, you are mine."
Rafael: *nervous giggle*
Celeste: "Well, that backfired completely."
I have never seen a pregnant sim look so miserable. She's really having a terrible trip. She's bored out of her mind most of the time, and she takes terrible care of her needs when Rafael is in the Deep Woods, so I can't imagine being pregnant will help much, but we gotta get this legacy moving again.
Celeste: "Sweetie, I have something I want to tell you. Can you come inside please?"
Rafael: "But Celeste, I'm still having breakfast. I haven't even caught any bugs yet today!"
Celeste: "Rafael P. Gregory, get your butt in this cabin right now!"
Celeste: ". . . so you see, I'm losing it here by myself, and with a baby on the way, I just don't know how much more I can take."
Rafael: "Oh geez, I'm sorry I didn't notice more. I had no idea. Why don't we head home and we'll come back some time when our child is older? As a family. And spend time together. It'll be nice."
Celeste: "Wait, it was really that easy? I would have asked ages ago if I'd known that."
Rafael: "I'll pack our bags."
So I jumped the gun a bit with the pregnancy, but I too was bored out of my mind in GF, and Rafael completed the first two steps and had a good jump on the third, as well as an inventory full of bugs and herbs to deal with back home. They'll come back once they've had their family and everyone is old enough to enjoy Granite Falls. Oh well.
Celeste: "Mom, I know this will come as a big surprise, but . . ."
Faye: "You're pregnant?"
Celeste: "Wait, how'd you know?"
Faye: "Well, you've been in the woods with nothing to occupy yourself but your new husband for three months, and oh yeah, your stomach is twice the size it used to be. Not a hard guess."
Celeste: "Ohhhhhh. Huh, I guess that is a little obvious."
Faye: "I thought I raised you smarter than this."
Celeste: "Sorry Mom, I . . . wait, are you excited?"
Faye: "Hells yes! More people to torment who can't fight back yet? Awesome! I mean . . . I am so pleased to be a grandmother."
Celeste: "Aww, I'm happy too, Mom."
Rafael: "Sir, I just wanted to say it's really an honor to be part of your family, and . . ."
Andres: "Please do pause a moment, son. Tell me, are you old enough to partake of these adult beverages yet? I do not want to contribute to your delinquency."
Rafael: "Um, I appreciate the concern, but I'm old enough. Now, as I was saying, I'm going to treat Celeste and our baby so right and . . ."
Andres: "Baby?! Young man, I don't know under what assumptions you may have my daughter operating, but I cannot condone starting a family at your young age."
Rafael: "Sir, I'm 25."
Andres: "And I am human."
Rafael: "No, man, I really am an adult."
Andres: "I think I know an immature human when I see one. You appear to be truant from your school, and I suggest you may wish to hie yourself back there forthwith."
Ooh, looks like Andres is feeling a little testy about his daughter getting married. Or maybe he's honestly confused about Rafael's age. It really could be either.
Rafael: "AHH! What has been seen can not be unseen! I'll be scarred for life."
Faye: "Man, at your age, you have a long time to be scarred for. Sucks to be you."
Rafael: "Darn it! I am a man, and it's time people started treating me like it. I've got to do something about this."
Rafael: "Oh yeah, this facial hair makes me look at least 19 and a half . Lookin' fly. Can't wait to show Celeste."
Andres: "Ah, hello there. Did you enjoy your drama class at junior high school?"
Rafael: "What?!"
Andres: "Is that not why you are wearing the fake beard? For your costume?"
Rafael: ". . ."
Rafael: *whistles and avoids all members of the family besides Celeste*
Celeste gets started writing novels. She's not going into the career quite yet since she's pregnant already, but when she does, she'll have a good head start on skills.
I also changed her outfit because that knotted t-shirt stretched over her belly only looked more uncomfortable as time wore on. I gave her flats instead of the wedges she was wearing too.
Rafael breezed through the third tier of his aspiration with his supplies, and he now needs to max herbalism, collect a bunch of bugs, and sleep five nights in a tent. While you may think collecting the bugs is the thing that'll annoy me most, since it'll have to wait for their return trip, it's actually the sleeping in a tent that drives me crazy. I try everything and something always wakes him up (like, later on, a child with an irresistible push command to 'play dolls with,' grr) or he gets up on his own before it'll count. Way after this picture, he was stuck at four nights for the longest time. It's so frustrating. Plus everyone else wants to randomly sleep in the tent instead of, oh I don't know, their highest quality beds? Would that be a nice place to sleep? How would I know? I'm not a sim.
Enough ranting. Remember Andres being king of the selfie? I hung his selfie up above the spot where he took it. Cute.
Celeste: "Look, Dad, I know you and Rafael have had words and . . ."
Andres: "Darling, I love you so much and I desire what is best for you. I am not sure reproducing with such a young person is a good idea."
Celeste: "Dad, I swear he's an adult. How do you think we got the marriage license, anyway? We grew up at the same party, so we're the same age. Well, we were before I magically stopped aging since I'm pregnant. Speaking of which, we have a child on the way, so you need to be happy for me. I need that. Trust me, please."
Andres: "Celeste, I do trust you. I will believe you and your husband, and I am very happy for you. I am excited to be a grandfather. Congratulations are in order."
Andres: "And a selfie!"
Okay, not very in character, but cute nonetheless. I'm glad we've got that sorted out.
Speaking of teenagers and adults, Isaac is going from one to the other today. We were also having a club gathering at the same time. Anyway, happy birthday, Isaac!
Isaac: "Oh my God, this cake is so good. I could just eat the whole thing."
Celeste: "You're telling me! I'm so far in my second trimester that my chest is clipping through my cake, and I could just inhale it right now. The cake, not my chest. I'm going to need those later."
Isaac: "Gross."

Isaac picked up evil as an adult, in addition to outgoing and hot-headed. So he is hot-headed like his dad and evil like his mom, and yet still wants to be outgoing and interact? Ok. And if you remember correctly, he has the Soulmate aspiration just like big sis Celeste (which reminds me, besides the flirting on vacation, she hasn't worked much on hers). So happy birthday, Isaac. Any wishes?
Isaac: "Soulmate, huh? I can think of a wish."
Their romance picked up right where it had left off. Very in love, they're ready to move on, but Isaac can't leave the house until Celeste has her baby.
That doesn't mean they can't get started on things, though. Notice we kept the fountain from Celeste and Rafael's wedding. It's so cute! Ahem, back to Isaac.
Isaac: ". . . and my love for you is so boundless and endless, that that's why I want to ask, my dear Yuki . . ."
Judah: "Hey, you guys hanging out? That's cool."
Isaac: "Uh, as I was saying, Yuki Behr, would you . . ."
Judah: "I went jogging."
Isaac: "Judah, shut up and go away."
Isaac: "ANYWAY! Yuki, would you do me the honor of being my wife?"
Judah: "Worked up a real sweat. Yeah, good workout."
Yuki: "Oh Isaac! Of course! I've been waiting for you to ask ever since we became adults ten minutes ago. Of course I'll marry you!"
Judah: "Oh sweet, did he just propose? That's awesome. Not as awesome as my jog was, but you know, nothing's perfect."
Yuki: "Uh, what do you say we go celebrate somewhere more . . . private?"
Isaac: "Good thinking. If I have to stand here in present company much longer, I'm going to exercise my new evil trait."
Judah: "You guys are totally going to woohoo now, aren't you? Yeah, I can smell it. Smell that love. Just like my gym shorts, but nicer. Have fun, you crazy kids!"
Isaac: "I'm going to kill him, and they'll never find the body. I'm sure Ava will understand."
Yuki: "Riiight. About that. Just follow me for now, ok, sweetie?"
Judah: "Ah, young love."
Judah Gregory, everyone. Professional Proposal Ruiner. You too can hire him to ruin your proposals! Let me know and I'll totally hook you up. Sigh . . .
Isaac and Yuki then went to 'celebrate' in the observatory while Rafael was out sleeping in the tent, but at least he was unconscious. Unlike Andres, who you can notice just to the right of the rocket, where he was playing with clay at the picnic bench for unknown reasons. Awkward.
Yuki: "Oh God, it's his dad! I'm out."
Andres: "Son, I feel we should have a talk about avoiding situations which make your girlfriend flee in embarrassment."
Isaac: "Fiancée, actually. Sigh. She's so beautiful when she's mortified."
After explaining privacy to his son, Andres joins Faye and simRoxy in the kitchen, which, by the way, has eleven possible seating places in which one could sit to eat an omelet. Just saying. But by the fridge, blocking everyone else from using it, that's good, too.
Now that we have a couple with a baby on the way, they needed their own room. Faye and Andres' pink confection moved down to the basement. It's as wacky as ever.
Celeste and Rafael got to make use of the new Vintage Glam pack, and I have to say, I am loving this room. This may be one of my favorite master bedrooms I've styled in this house.
So you have to see the other side, too. It's quite nice, and although aqua isn't quite green (Celeste's favorite color in my head canon), it seems to work pretty well.
While I was in build mode, I also moved and downsized the nursery a little bit. It's taking some dead space from the upstairs living area, so it wasn't hard to find a place for it. The reason for this move is that . . .
Celeste's baby will be the first toddler in Gregory history! I was so excited! I figured we might have one soon after the first one, so I made room for two toddlers if necessary. I can't wait to see the little cutie that these two will produce, and now that baby will have a nice room for its terrible twos.
Here's the current layout of the upstairs now. Adding the nursery actually condensed and focused the large living area up there, so I think it turned out even better this way.
Meanwhile, Marjorie checks out the still-semi-new playroom. She finds it nicely decorated, but stressful, so she is tense yet admiring it. Hey, no one said you had to hang out around kid stuff, Marjorie.
In other ghost news, Laurel haunted for the first time. She's a much cheerier ghost than Marjorie, but they still both ended up playing video games for most of the night.
After blocking the fridge with their little conversation party, simRoxy split off to go clean fish tanks endlessly, and Faye and Andres broke in their new room.
The next morning, while heavily pregnant, Celeste signs up for the critic career.
Celeste: "Oh, hey honey. How was the movie you went to last night? I fell asleep early."
Rafael: "You guys are not going to believe this, but they wouldn't let me see it! It's only PG-13! And I even combed my beard extra nice that day!"
Isaac: "I'm getting a headache, and somehow I don't think it's from the ice cream I'm eating for breakfast."
Oh my God, when is that ice cream going to go away?
So, despite the fact that Rafael is probably going to look like a young teenager well into his golden years, he is ready and willing to be a father. Because his aspiration has nothing to do with a career and we're swimming in money and also gardening duties, he's going to be a house husband. His primary job objectives will be to raise babies and toddlers, look after the garden, and sleep in the tent. It won't be long now before he has a baby to look after.
Celeste and Faye both head off for their respective days of work, despite the fact that Celeste is in her third trimester and presumably due relatively soon. She wanted to get a jump on the career, and critic doesn't have a very long workday so it shouldn't be too bad on her needs.
Celeste got off to work fine, but Faye glitched out on the porch and stayed that way without major need problems until her shift was over at 7 p.m. that evening, when she unfroze and walked back in the house. She got paid still though, so I'm happy.
Andres had a day off so he spent it being extremely productive.
Isaac has been pretty wrapped up in plans with Yuki, so somehow he didn't yet know his sister was pregnant. He's very excited when he finds out, though. Cute.
These two snuck off to the observatory for a while, even though Rafael was sleeping in his tent. It didn't wake him though. It's a good thing that tent is apparently sound-proofed with how much action the observatory is seeing.
Celeste: "Oh my God, Rafael, my back is killing me. I can't believe I've gotten so huge. This baby is going to be gigantic. It must be just about time."
Celeste: "Perfect time for an aspiration-fulfilling date and for me to support your entire weight!"
Yeah, that looks safe and practical. She does need to work on her aspiration, though. She's got all the flirting in, so it's just a matter of some dates now. They already had one gold date while on vacation, which is how she got in this mess in the first place.
The first date required her to "workout with your date" which is all well and good . . . if your sim isn't pregnant. She can't use any of the workout equipment, she can't jog, and she can't even do yoga. Luckily, I found a workaround: while Rafael was working out in the gym downstairs, Celeste was able to do yoga poses, which consisted of her just standing there and breathing and doing the 'Namaste' animation over and over, but it counted. Doesn't seem that romantic to me.
They made up for it later once the work outs were complete.
Then they really made up for it later on the second date that night and Celeste finished her Soulmate aspiration. Her next is Leader of the Pack since she's already in two clubs.
Tiger-striped Andres would like to warn us we are coming to the end of the update. Also we're out of
And here we are! After a night of intense dating, Celeste collapses on the couch, still quite pregnant but not in labor . . . yet. Seems like a good place for a break. When we come back, generation seven babies AND toddlers - promise! And all of the usual Gregory madness as well, of course. In the mean time, please check in with me at SiMania and Boolprop, and as always, thanks for reading! I hope you're as excited for Gregory toddlers as I was/am! :D
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