(originally published 9/23/14)
Hey guys! I'm in the process of fixing all the broken Photobucket links, and I thought while I was at it, I'd move the first six chapters over to this blog as well, so here is Chapter 1 . . . again!
Welcome to my very first Sims 4 legacy, The Gregory Legacy, which kind of sounds like it should rhyme, but doesn't! I am learning the game, so please forgive any weirdness. I appreciate you for coming to read it, and I hope you really enjoy the legacy.
Anyway, these are not my legacy sims. They are my simself, simRoxy on the left, and my sister's simself, a teen who we will call simJ (mysterious, right?). They live in my legacy neighborhood and will hopefully be dropping by occasionally. I like to meddle in my legacy on multiple levels. Now, on to the legacy!
That tiny brown and blue figure there is my legacy founder, Natalie Gregory. She has just arrived to a very beautiful and very empty bulldozed lot. At least it has a nice driveway, I guess. You can't beat the scenery, either. Unfortunately for Natalie, it's a little lonely.
Natalie: "What does a girl have to do to get some company around here?"
Ask and ye shall receive.
Natalie: "That's . . . not what I meant."
But now you're not alone!
Natalie: "Well, I guess it's better than nothing. I'm kinda starting to warm up to the guy."
Oh. That's too bad, because I have to stick him in your family inventory now.
Ah, that's better! Really, truly, heartbreakingly alone now, Natalie is ready to start her legacy.
Natalie: "I'm not too sure about this. I mean, what am I going to do now? I'm dirt poor and you don't even know how to play the game."
I've never killed a founder yet, Natalie. Have faith. Now, let's get to know Natalie a bit better.
Natalie Gregory is a bookworm, creative, family-oriented, and aspires to be a Renaissance Sim, and thus has the attendant trait of quick learner. I thought these traits would come in handy for a founder, so I didn't pick anything interesting or challenging to start with.
Here's what she's starting with! Luxurious, right? I sprung for a slightly better bed, a double since I'm hoping to land her a boyfriend soon, and I'm keeping things minimal to keep the bills down until she has a job and is bringing in some money. She has some in reserve now. She'll have to use the toilet and shower at the gym, sure, but she'll thank me later. The floor is just an empty room base. Free flooring! Yay!
One of Natalie's first whims is to gain the mixology skill since she's an aspiring Renaissance Sim. Her first customers are Bob Pancakes and my simself, decked out in her party gear. Natalie looks thrilled to see her, doesn't she? I guess she's still sore about the knight statue.
Not that simRoxy cares. She just wants her drink.
Soon it's a regular party down at the nightclub and Natalie gains two levels in the mixology skill. This is the first sim I've played in the game, so I was also getting a feel for the venues and stuff.
This is also a good point to apologize for plumbobs. In my Sims 2 stories, I abhor plumbobs and avoid them as much as possible, but I don't think I have a plumbbobtoggle off cheat here, at least not as far as I know. They annoy the crap out of me in pictures, but eventually I just got lazy about them. So if they annoy you too, I just wanted you to know that I understand and I'll try to do better. If you don't care, well, sorry for interrupting the story . . .
On another whim, Natalie goes to the library to study handiness. She decides to read in what I can only assume is the kids' room for some reason. Must be that cheerful puzzle floor.
After a steamy shower at the gym, Natalie is feeling flirty and is ready to go find a guy to share her lawn house with.
This guy is pretty cute. His name is Jaron France, and Natalie goes over to chat him up.
Jaron is really into Natalie, and it turns out he's single! He looks like an adult or young adult, so that's good. They get along pretty well, so he's ticking off all the boxes for a first gen. legacy spouse.
Then when he gets all flirty too and pulls out a rose for Natalie, I know they're meant to be together. That's the only reason Jaron would be so into her, right? Because they're obviously destined to be soulmates, not for any other reason . . .
Anyway, Natalie invites him on a date back to the nightclub.
That's where we find out that Jaron is balding and that I'm not smart enough to move my cursor off him before I take a picture. Natalie looks a little nonplussed by Jaron's chrome dome, but that's something I can always fix later. The moustache is a little unfortunate, at least in my opinion, but overall, he's not a bad-looking guy, and they definitely have some chemistry.
While they flirt outside the nightclub, the town parade forms on the corner of the lot.
The first kisses crack me up. The kissee always looks so surprised! Jaron is totally into it, though.
Even though he's starting to get stinky, Natalie is all over Jaron. She asks him to be her boyfriend and he accepts, and it's still the first day of the legacy!
simRoxy is back at the bar, and as the hour grows late and the night is winding down, they chat a bit. Natalie isn't the only one that can throw some good crazy eyes, though. I can tell these two are destined to be friends, and not just because I want to keep an eye on her, no pun intended. Turns out I forgot what traits I gave my simself, but they happen to be the same as Natalie's, so these two have very similar interests.
It's day two, and Natalie has invited Jaron to come hang out at the lawn house. They've still got a great connection, and their romance bar is about twice as long as their friend bar, so it's definitely in the infatuation stage for these two, but we're determined to get Natalie a partner early. She invites Jaron to move in and he accepts, coming in with about $19,000 and change. Natalie had added the violin in the background early in the morning while waiting to call Jaron.
Some of these early pics have weird spacing at the top like this one because I was taking pics of the speech bubbles. Apparently those don't show up, though, so I adjusted for later pictures. In the mean time, just ignore it if a pic like this has extra space at the top. I'm learning!
With Jaron's money, they build a small house and leave some alone to save for bills. It's only the second day, so we haven't seen a bill yet, but I've heard bad things about them.
Time to send these two into the house to check out the interior.
Natalie: "Noooooo! No stair! How do I stair?"
Ugh, apparently you can build stairs like this - which I thought looked cool - but sims can't travel up them. Stupid.
Natalie: "Hey, that's better!"
Yeah, yeah. Learning curve here.
Item number one on the to-do list is to makeover Jaron. He's pretty cute with a full head of hair and better facial hair. Some of his outfits weren't bad, so I left them, but changed his everyday, formal, and party. For the party, I'm giving him the Shine On Men's Suit (I think that's what it's called) that came with my Limited Edition. It makes him flirty instantly!
Jaron has the traits of good, glutton, and snob. Also - joy of joys - he is a serial romantic! Perfect partner material, right? But he's moved in, so it's too late to eject him, and I'd feel bad stealing his money for the house anyway. His aspiration gives him the alluring trait, so hopefully all the cheating he's going to do won't be difficult.
Natalie: "Jaron! You said you were going to get changed. What the flip are you wearing?"
Jaron: "It's my Sexy Suit! Don't you find it . . . sexy?"
Natalie: "I find you sexy but the suit is a little much."
Jaron: "But . . . but . . . it's my Sexy Suit." *whimpers*
Natalie: "There, there, sweetie. Yes, it's very sexy, and you're very sexy in it. I love it."
Jaron: "So I can keep it?"
Natalie: "Yeah, sure. Why not? This is a legacy, so it's not like the controller won't be finding other ways to embarrass us all the time."
Jaron: "Yay! Sexy Suit!"
Jaron: "You know, Nat, I bet we could find a sequined dress for you and we could have matching Sexy Suits for when we're feeling frisky."
Natalie: "Jaron, don't push it."
Jaron: "But it'd be great! Yours could even be blue and stuff like you like!"
Natalie: "Jaron. You have a very flirty girlfriend waiting for you at the bed, and you're focused on sartorial matters?"
Jaron: "Oh. Good point. Sexy Suit, off with you!"
Later . . .
Hmm, no Sexy Suits in sight. Guess it got the job done. Unlike all my Sims 2 legacies, they're not going to be popping out kids right away. I want to get used to playing, and I want to make sure they're established. It'd be really super if Jaron wasn't still cheating when they're having kids, but that depends on how fast I can get through his aspiration.
Jaron: "Honey, why is there a freezer bunny in the fridge?"
Natalie: No idea. It came with the fridge."
Jaron: "But why isn't it in the freezer?"
Natalie: "I don't know. Hey, grab your salad. I just got an irresistible urge to head outside and I think you're supposed to come with."
Jaron: "Hey, this salad is really good, Nat."
Natalie: "You're just saying that because you're a glutton."
Jaron: "Maybe, but it's awesome!"
Natalie: "Well, enjoy it, because I have a bad feeling it may be the last one you have for a while."
Jaron: "Crap. Pinstar just made a new rule, didn't he?"
Yeah, sorry guys. No spouse windfalls. I money-cheated you back to where Natalie was before Jaron came in, but on the plus side, I bought you a bookcase and a better bed with some of that dwindling supply of money!
Natalie: "It's a kid's bookcase."
It's YOUR bookcase. Enjoy it.
What's up, Nat?
Natalie: "Number one: only Jaron can call me Nat. Number two: how could you?!"
Rules are rules, sweetie. Wouldn't be a challenge without rules.
Natalie went to bed, but Jaron headed out on the town to work on his aspiration. I didn't write down the early stages, but he wanted to get some bronze medal dates, kiss sims, stuff like that. Nina seemed like an easy mark.
Jaron literally swept her off her feet.
Jaron: "It's the Sexy Suit, baby! I hardly even have to try!"
Jaron: "Good morning, sweetie. Did you sleep well?"
Natalie: "Did you sleep at all?"
Jaron: "What are you talking about?"
Natalie: "Go take a shower. You smell like cheap perfume."
Jaron: "Oh. Uh. It's my new signature scent. You like?"
Jaron: "I gotta goooooo!"
Lucky for you, you two went to a day of work so I was able to build you a bathroom. Go, I'll wait here.
Jaron: "Thanks."
While he's busy, let me just explain that they're both in the entertainment career. Natalie has a little violin skill and Jaron has some comedy skill, so I thought they could take both branches. I found out later she actually needed guitar skill.
Jaron: "This cereal is to die for. I don't think I've ever had Sweetie Sugar O's this good before! I mean, the subtle hints of sweetness are just superb. In fact, I . . ."
Natalie: "Jaron."
Jaron: "What?"
Natalie: "You're a glutton. I get it. And for the record, you still reek."
Aww, Jaron had a bad performance at work as an open mic seeker, and he went straight to bed to cry it out autonomously. I find this strangely hilarious, and it shortened his sad moodlet!
Jaron: "Who's that other chick?"
Natalie: "She's someone I met at the bar who seems oddly familiar. It's like we've met in some other way before. I can't put my finger on it. Anyway, she knocked on the bathroom door, so I invited her in, so to speak."
Jaron: "Okay, cool. Can I hit on her later when you go to work?"
Uh, no, you may not. That is simRoxy, and she is off-limits.
Jaron: "Hey, simRoxy? Have you ever had Sweetie Sugar O's? They're, like, amazing."
simRoxy: "Is he like this all the time?"
Natalie: "You have no idea. So about my 'motherlode' idea . . ."
simRoxy: "Not happening."
Natalie: "Rosebud?"
simRoxy: "Nope, sorry."
Natalie: "How do you know what she will or won't allow?"
simRoxy: "Let's just say I have a . . . special intuition into what the controller is thinking."
Jaron: "Creepy."
simRoxy: "I know."
Jaron and Natalie both need some friends for work, so they invite over Bob Pancakes too. I don't know about other people, but he is always hilariously tense in my game and makes all kinds of faces. Socializing like this is fun but it's pretty inefficient at actually building relationships. One-on-one seems to work better for that.
Okay, you two should be close, but that may be a little too close.
Another day of work and Natalie can buy herself an easel! I've heard from my friend Lydia (shout out to hippielayla86!) that painting is a good money-maker, so Natalie's going to focus on that and I switched her over to the art career. That means that she and Jaron also have different hours now, so he can do some more romancing while she's out earning money. So sweet, right?
Jaron: "Um, why are you even knocking on the bathroom door? We live in a lawn house no one's in there."
simRoxy: "I just like being formal, I guess."
Jaron: "While we're on the subject of your peculiarities, why don't you ever wear everyday clothes?"
simRoxy: "That's a secret."
I guess it is, because I haven't figured it out. simRoxy never shows up in everyday wear. Party wear? Sure. Athletic? No doubt. Formal? Yep, later. Everyday? No dice. I guess I should just be glad she hasn't shown up in sleepwear yet.
Natalie: "Bob, you need a hobby. Something relaxing. You should try knitting."
Bob: "What I need are more pancakes and a back massage."
Natalie: "Right, well, nice socializing with you, but I've got what I need in my job panel, so I'm going to let you go now."
Bob: "Stupid legacy sims! Argh! I'm so tense!"
That's your flirty paining? Seriously?
Jaron: "I made it while I was wearing my Sexy Suit!"
It's something else. Well, sell it and maybe you'll get to use the money on something important later.
Natalie: "Hi Karlie!"
Karlie: "Hi Natalie! Why's that lady knocking on your bathroom door?"
Natalie: "Oh, don't mind her. She just stops by once a day or so."
They're neighbors, so maybe that's why simRoxy stops by so often, but it's starting to get a little creepy.
simJ! I was a little afraid simRoxy wasn't letting you out of the house or something.
simJ: "Nope, I'm here. I've just got, like, teenager stuff to do."
Want to meet Jaron and Natalie?
simJ: "I guess. Thank God I'm a teen and outside Jaron's range of date partners."
Tell me about it.
Dina: "Hi there, Jaron. I'm Dina. My sister told me that you're an easy . . . Hey, is that your girlfriend?"
Jaron: "Uh, yeah. Dina, meet Natalie."
Dina: "Charmed. I'll, uh, see you later. Maybe we can get to know each other then."
Jaron: "Yes! Getting to know each other in a completely platonic way sounds fabulous!"
Natalie: "Seriously, Jaron? Do you think I'm stupid here? Hey, Dina, tell your sister to buy better perfume."
Dina: "Why, I never!"
Natalie: "Are you enjoying your milk?"
Jaron: "Yeah. Are you enjoying your cereal?"
Natalie: "Yup. Does it bother you that we eat like picky preschoolers every day?"
Jaron: "Not if it's the cost of being around you, my darling."
Natalie: "Jaron, you're not the most faithful boyfriend, but darn if you aren't a smooth one."
Jaron: "You got that right!"
Jaron is not playing it safe. Natalie is in bed way over there, asleep, while Jaron is getting fresh with Nancy Landgraab, who had the misfortune to walk by the legacy lot. Also, prior relationships be damned -- Jaron is completing his aspiration with whomever is most convenient, married or not.
Natalie: "Picture time, Jaron?"
Jaron: "Sure!"
Natalie: "Okay, smile. Say 'fidelity!'"
Jaron: "Wait . . . what?!"
Natalie: "Just kidding."
Jaron: "The Sexy Suit commands that we have a gold medal date. Look at these glistening arms, this sparkling chest, this glimmering back. How can you refuse?"
Nina: "Sigh."
Jaron: "Was that a good sigh or a bad sigh?"
Nina: "Honestly? I'm not even sure."
simRoxy: "I'm on to you, Jaron."
Jaron: "I have no idea what you're talking about."
simRoxy: "I'm watching you."
Jaron had to break up with two sims for his aspiration, which kind of sucks since he's put a fair amount of work into courting Nina here. She didn't take it well, but the insult to injury is that he didn't even let her wash her hands first. He only has three romantic relationships at this point, so I considered letting him break it off with Natalie and then building it back up, but I'm really glad I didn't because Jaron and Nina's relationship took a serious hit and they get awkward around each other.
And, of course, the breakups upset Jaron despite his supposed ambition, so he heads off to cry it out in his Sexy Suit.
Jaron: "So you see, Nat, I've decided to rededicate myself to our relationship, and . . . oh geez."
Natalie: "What? Oh, tell me she's not at the door again."
Jaron: "She is."
Natalie: "Bob isn't the only one around here that needs a hobby."
That sad moodlet is lasting a while, but I could almost swear Natalie had a little spring in her step now that Jaron's mourning a lost love.
Jaron: "Good story, but give me a moment, please. I need to deal with this."
Gordon: "Who is she?"
Jaron: "Our stalker, basically."
simRoxy: "Must. Knock. On. Door."
God bless autonomy.
Natalie: "Fancy a selfie with me, simRoxy?"
simRoxy: "Sure!"
Natalie: "Great! Smile and say, 'healthy sim/controller boundaries!'"
simRoxy: "Wait, what?!"
Natalie: "Sigh. Just kidding. I know they wouldn't stick anyway."
Jaron has to break up with another sim, so he needs Nancy to be his girlfriend first. The Sexy Suit does its work, and it isn't long before they're boyfriend and girlfriend. Meanwhile, Natalie is off at work.
Jaron: "Look, it's not me, it's you. Wait. I screwed that up. It's me. I have a stupid aspiration that requires me to be a jerk, apparently. What part of being romantic, serially or otherwise, is breaking up? I don't know. Anyway, maybe we can hook up again later when I'll doubtlessly need some more girlfriends."
Nancy: "You're a cad, Jaron France! Boo hoo hoo!"
Eesh, these are rough.
Doing okay, Jaron?
Jaron: "Me and the Sexy Suit are just going to have a little cry, thank you very much."
Natalie: "Hey, rough day being a cheater, huh? Cheer up: I got a promotion!"
Jaron: "Sigh. That's great, Nat. Maybe I will too. If I wasn't in such a bad mood."
Natalie: "Well, have a good night at work then. Make 'em laugh."
Jaron: "Yeah, I'll do that. Sigh."
Time for Natalie to work on her aspiration a bit too. She needs four points in logic, so I bought her a chess table. I like when she gets focused.
The next day Natalie is at work and Jaron is at a different kind of work. Now he needs to kiss 10 sims. See, it would have been nice if he could have done this before he alienated two of his girlfriends.
Natalie: "Jaron France, I know we're not the most perfect match, but I love you with my whole heart. Will you marry me and be the first generation legacy patriarch?"
Jaron: "Are you . . . are you proposing to me?"
Natalie: "Yes, silly."
Jaron: "Oh, well then. Of course! How could I say anything but yes? I love you too! More than any of the rest! I probably shouldn't have said that, but . . . uh . . . I mean, YES!"
They're getting up there in their young adult years, so I thought they should get a move on. I can tell Jaron won't be done with his aspiration in any kind of time to start the legacy, so we'll just have to be more careful about it when there are little ones about.
Interesting painting outfit you have there, Natalie.
Natalie: "Everyone knows that starving -- excuse me -- 'hungry' artists wear bright yellow dresses and baseball caps. I mean, doesn't that just scream artist to you?"
Oh, it's screaming all right.
Jaron has been hard at work on his aspiration and racking up points, so I had him buy the Good Kisser trait. His kisses are supposed to happen easier now and build charisma. He's still got five kisses to go before the next level of his aspiration at this point in the pictures, though.
Jaron finally made a move too soon -- he's been entirely successful up to this point -- and things got awkward with this lady here. It didn't help that Mr. Orange Jacket stood there and stared the whole time instead of joining in the conversation.
Jaron patches things up and racks up another kiss, though. He just had to stick to friendly socials and a smooth apology to cool things down for a bit before heating them back up. Notice Mr. Orange Jacket is still loitering on my lot, but he has deigned to actually talk to someone now.
So . . . Jaron said goodbye to Summer there before inviting over Azure, the lady with grey hair, but Summer won't leave the lot! Then, to top things off, Karlie comes to knock on the bathroom door. Jaron is trying to build up enough relationship to kiss Azure, but Karlie and Summer are both romantically involved wit him and won't go home. It's very annoying.
I've found that "say goodbye" only works about half the time, at least for me. Eventually you have to just ask them to leave, and I can't tell, but I suspect that may lose you a few relationship points. At best, it makes the other sim look upset.
Natalie works from 9-5 and Jaron works from 5-11, so a daytime wedding was right out. Plus, I realized that Jaron is seeing all of Natalie's friends besides simRoxy and Bob Pancakes, so I decided to have them just invite simRoxy over. An arch seemed extravagant at this point, so I had them elope. I figured maybe simRoxy would watch or something. It kind of looks like she's officiating in this picture, right? But nope, she totally ignored the bride and groom and went off to read on their bed.
Jaron: "I, Jaron, do take you, Natalie, to have and to hold, in good times and bad, although there might be more bad since we're first generation, to love and cherish when I'm not cherishing others, and to the country for which it stands, one nation, under controller . . ."
Natalie: "I, Natalie, do take you, Jaron, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to father the first of nine more generations, to be together in sickness and in health, and do promise to love and honor you, and to live by the Girl Scout Law."
I suck at writing vows, but I thought I'd give it a try. Total success. Yeah, nailed it.
May I present Mr. and Mrs. Gregory, the officially wedded generation 1 couple! Also, their friend who skipped out on the wedding. Also also, Jaron's name didn't change so I had to cheat to turn him into Jaron Gregory! But yeah, despite all that, pretty successful minimalist wedding here. Time for the "honeymoon." If only that other sim would leave them alone . . .
Look at that face!
simRoxy: "What do you mean you're asking me to leave? I was so engrossed in this book!"
Natalie: "I've said goodbye twice, and I don't even have the option to say it again right now, but I want to woohoo my brand new husband. Do you mind?!"
simRoxy: "Geez. You don't have to be so cranky. I can take a hint."
Finally! Jaron and Natalie have been keeping their fun bar full on a regular basis, if you know what I mean, but it's time to make things get productive . . . reproductive, that is.
Natalie: "Yay! I peed on a stick! Definitely worthy of confetti and a really, really bad picture."
You're welcome for my part in that combination. Seriously, though, congrats, Natalie! You are officially in a family way on your first try.
And apparently finding out you are pregnant makes you start showing instantly. This is about as big as a third trimester Sims 2 female sim gets, so I was a little o.O at Natalie's suddenly huge belly. Nice moodlet you get, though. I wonder if sims with Hates Children get the moodlet too . . . Anyway, how nice that they just wear their normal clothes without any mods or anything!
Jaron is trying out comedy routines to get tips for a promotion. Luckily, simJ comes along in her party clothes and takes pity on him, and he gets $100 in tips just from her. I think his routine was something about cats . . . The real J likes cats (all animals, really), so I think she would probably like cat jokes too. I'll have to try one out on her, but I can't think of one right meow.
Natalie: "Ooh-wee! I gotta pee. Gotta pee. Oh man. Gotta pee. Was the distance between the bed and the bathroom always this long?"
Natalie had the morning sickness moodlet, but she never threw up. Besides peeing and eating a lot, and of course the body shape changes, I didn't notice any other changes in her. Her moods were pretty much the same. I guess she's just a pretty level-headed pregnant sim.
Second trimester and Natalie I getting worryingly large. This is my first sim pregnancy in 4, so I didn't know if this was usual or not. I began to have a creeping fear that she was going to spring twins or trips on me while they were still living on the lawn.
On another note, please observe their faaaabulous garden that consists of one snapdragon and one strawberry bush. I originally planted them for Natalie to skill on, but Jaron usually ends up tending them because they always need things while Natalie's at work or asleep.
Jaron: "Are you sure this isn't like the fifth trimester?"
Natalie: "I think I would know, Jaron."
Jaron: "Well, maybe our baby will just be huge."
My mom suggested the huge baby theory (while rolling her eyes at me talking about Sims again). She should know. I was 2 weeks overdue and over 11 pounds when I was born. I think this sim baby will probably be regular size, but it had better also be a regular number!!
I don't like you.
Mail carrier: "We just met. These are your first bills. What's the big deal?"
They're crazy! The only walled-in part of their house is a teeny bathroom and they have hardly any possessions to speak of. What in the world are they even paying for in these bills? Heating? Air conditioning? Home security monitoring? I don't think so.
Mail carrier: "I don't get paid enough to care, actually. Have a nice day."
Natalie: "I don't know how I didn't see it before, but Jaron was so right. These Sweetie Sugar O's are a transformative experience. I don't think I've ever had food that was so satisfying! I'm going to have two more bowls before I go to work!"
Okay, your hormones are definitely out of whack.
Jaron's still working on his aspiration, even while his very pregnant wife continues to work.
Natalie came home from work early because she was in labor. And with a belly that big, I'm sure it was a huge relief for the big day to finally come. Luckily, Jaron had sent his female friend home already. It would have been awful for Natalie to walk in on that while she was in labor. Not many things in the game make me feel guilty, but that might have.
Natalie and Jaron head off to the hospital. I like that they go to the hospital but I don't have to watch them drive there. Natalie doesn't look too please, does she? That was one heck of an uncomfortable moodlet, but you can't blame her, I suppose.
Natalie: "We're back, and . . . ooh, did we misplace our offspring?"
Jaron: "She's around here somewhere."
Natalie: "Hmm. Not in the garden."
She appeared back by the bed. Let's go take a look!
Uh. Yeah. I still think these things are super creepy. They look like really cheaply-made baby dolls. The kind that smell like rubber and have painted-on faces. Creepy.
Anyway, meet "darling" baby girl Corinne. I have faith she'll be much cuter in a few days. I'm going to let her age up naturally. I have no naming scheme for this legacy, so they'll just be named whatever I can come up with at the moment they're born. I'm going to be playing equality/strict traditional as my succession laws, and I will either hold an heir poll or do a random heir once all the babies are born. I haven't decided yet how many they'll have.
I may think Corinne is going to crawl over and gum my ears while I sleep or something, but Natalie is infatuated with her. Remember, she has a family-oriented trait, and it has apparently now been activated. She gets sad if she doesn't interact with Corinne enough, but that really only happened once because both she and Jaron interact with Corinne quite a bit autonomously.
And here's the beginning of our happy family: Jaron, Natalie, and Corinne Gregory!
Thanks for reading, and I hope you've enjoyed the start to my legacy. Check back next time to see whether Corinne gets to grow up in a house and whether she'll get any brothers or sisters, whether Jaron will complete his aspiration without getting caught, and how Natalie will fare as the first legacy mother. Please come hang out with me at SiMania and Boolprop!
**Check back soon for more restored chapters from original Slideshares and destroyed Photobucket posts. I'll get the whole catalog up here eventually. :)
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