Eleanor: "Look, Kaiden, I know this is not something we planned, and it's scary. Believe me, I'm terrified and it hasn't even fully sunk in yet. But I do know enough about families to know that they matter to a kiddo growing up, and I've made up my mind on this pregnancy already. I'm growing a little life that we both created who's going to need a family. Even if we're not soulmates or whatever, I need your help. I know you're man enough to figure this out with me."
(That's particularly moving considering Eleanor's own dad is practically useless, but hey, he tries.)
Kaiden: "Yeah, that was a great speech and you were fun, but I'm out. Good luck with your baby. Expect to hear from me never. I've got better things to do, and better people to do them with. Unlike you, I'm going places."
Taylor: *whispers* "Enjoy the poison oak I put in your shoes."
Kaiden: "Did you say something just now?"
Taylor: "Don't let the door hit you on the ass, Kaiden."
True to his speech, we never heard from Kaiden again, and I swear I didn't kill him. I've played through Eleanor's youngest child becoming a toddler, and Kaiden never calls, even to wish his child a happy birthday or anything!
The next day, newly-also-adult Owen called Eleanor for a hangout sesh. After wiping her tears and splashing her face generously with cold water, Eleanor put on a baggy tank and headed out to try to have a good time. Eleanor and her first boyfriend, who had always had a relationship based mostly on teenage hormones and physical affection, spent hours just talking for once.
Eleanor: "Owen, I really needed this today. You have no idea. But I haven't been completely honest with you. You know I've been seeing other guys, right? And I know you've admitted to being the jealous type . . . so I hope this doesn't completely break our friendship, but I'd understand if you want nothing to do with me."
Owen: "Ellie? What are you . . .?"
Eleanor: "I'm pregnant. It's Kaiden's."
Owen: "Oh."
Eleanor: "I'm really sorry, Owen. I wish I had sorted things out with you sooner. I wish a lot of things had happened differently."
Owen: "No, I get it. You chose him. It's okay. I knew I wasn't enough. I hope you two and your family are happy together."
Eleanor: "Owen, that's just it. He wants nothing to do with me, and I'm so scared. I don't know how to be a mom, but I'm going to be a single mom forever, because I don't know how anyone will want me with another man's baby. And this baby! How am I supposed to raise a baby already? I had all these plans! I've ruined my life and I've only been an adult for a day!"
Owen: "Hey, cheer up, El. You're amazing. You're the most amazing girl I've ever met, and you're so strong, and you've got a terrifying legacy family backing you up, and there are some of us friends that will stick by you no matter what. So even if the worst came to pass, you'll be okay, but I don't think that'll be a problem."
Eleanor: "Thanks, Owen. I really needed to hear that."
Owen: "You really have no idea how special you are, regardless of who - or how many - guys like you, do you? Eleanor, I've always felt . . ."
Eleanor turned her cheek to his kiss. Owen looked a little shocked, but stepped back and put his hands in his pockets.
Owen: "Sorry, that was stupid. I should've known . . ."
Eleanor: "No, it's just, I'm really confused right now. I think I need to figure some things out on my own before I just keep careening through life. I can't keep going how I have been, especially once I'm a parent. I just . . . need to figure some things out first. I hope we'll still always be friends, at least. And maybe, someday . . ."
Owen: "We're friends. I should go now. It was good seeing you, El. If you ever feel ready to, y'know, try again, I'll be around."
Eleanor: "Goodbye for now, Owen."
Nathalie: "Eleanor, I couldn't help overhearing, and I have to say there's been a bit of gossip on the grapevine. I know you're in a tough place, but I think you handled things well. And that kid was right. This town is full of Gregorys who will literally kill a man for you if need be."
Eleanor: "Thanks, Auntie. I think we can put off the mob violence for now. I just need support."
Nathalie: "You've got it, sweetie. But don't forget . . ."
Eleanor: "I know, I know. No descendant of Faye could forget the power of a Gregory scorned."
And then just to spite my artful storytelling (heh), Eleanor goes and does an enchanting introduction to some random guy after she just got done telling Owen she needs time to figure things out before she gets romantic again. I try, you guys, but she doesn't always agree with me.
Strengthened by Owen's belief in her, Eleanor decided to pursue her dream job in social media. She leveraged her Simstagram fame with Nova to get a position and headed out to a karaoke bar to make an appearance and get material for a post. Once there, she checked in with her followers. Maybe this wouldn't be so hard to do after all. She still felt an empty ache in her heart, though.
Man: "Geez, this singer, am I right? Oh . . . oh, wow! You're a stunner!"
Eleanor: "Excuse me?!"
Man: "I'm sorry. What a bad way to start, right? I'm Orlando. Beautiful young girls like you don't come in here all the time. What's your name, beautiful?"
Eleanor: "Well, um, it's Eleanor, but I just got out of a relationship, so I don't really want to give you the wrong idea, and . . ."
The older man leaned in closer, going for Eleanor's hand. She did tremble with a little thrill at the touch, so she didn't pull away immediately.
Orlando: "Don't worry, I'm not expecting anything from you. I just wanted to make sure you knew how beautiful you are. I have no ideas. None whatsoever. You do whatever you need to do, but if you ever want to have a good time, I've got a house in Selvadorada I'd love to show you. Here's my number. If you're looking for a vacation in paradise, hit me up. If not, no worries. Thanks for gracing this bar with your presence. See you later, love."
The man got up and left, sending a smirk over his shoulder just before the door shut behind him. Eleanor used her first conscious thought to close her mouth. He was gorgeous! This sophisticated man, a man struck by her beauty but willing to respect her space no less, made Kaiden look like the immature boy he was. I bet a man like that . . . Eleanor shook her head and discarded the thought, but she smiled a little to herself and felt a blush spread. But Selvadorado, the place she had hoped to visit again before this pregnancy? Interesting. She looked down at the contact in her phone and hit 'Save.'

Back home in the non-melodramatic parts of the story, Rafael is entertaining Nova with another walk. Keep up the good work, Raf.
Rafael: "Are we home yet?"
I don't think you ever left, buddy.
Eileen: "Man, it seems like time has gone so quickly. I can't believe how big the baby's getting! This is so exciting that I get to be an aunt already!"
Eleanor: "I'm glad you're still on my side, sis."
Eileen: "Why wouldn't I be?"

Other bits of life continued as normal. Eleanor spent a lot of time with Nova, doting on her and updating her Simstagram, yet her own social media career was off to a slow start. Turned out it was harder to gain followers with attempted witty repartee and "exclusive" hot takes than with cute dog pics.
Here's the sisters. Eileen's been hanging around as an adult because I wanted everyone there for Harvestfest.
Luckily that time is upon us. This was my first holiday with Seasons! I know we are way past that irl, but bear with me. Eileen put up the decorations and appeased our first gnome.
The house looks so gorgeous with the decorations and fall colors in the background!
Inside, Andres had prepared a true feast and Celeste had set a magnificent table. There was turkey for the omnivores, butternut squash soup for those that preferred vegetarian fare, and even an apple pie for dessert.
When the guests, Eileen's boyfriend Dale and Eleanor's friend Kenzie, had arrived, Celeste rang the dinner bell.
Everyone grabbed their food, and despite there definitely being a place for her, Kenzie somehow didn't make it to the table.
Kenzie: "Don't tell me what to do."
Celeste: "Ahem, anyway, I just wanted to say how thankful I am to have all of us here together. It's days like these that really make you appreciate family and friends, and I'm glad everyone could be here. Okay, enough schmaltz. Dig in! Dad is a killer chef."
Andres: "Technically, the turkey was already deceased and butchered, and although it could be argued that the plants I harvested from the garden were killed, I do not think . . ."
Taylor: "Shh, grandpa. It's fine. Let's just eat."
Taylor: "Only, jk, I'm not going to eat because even though the controller went out of her way to make sure there was a vegetarian option for me, I don't eat anymore. Isn't that funny?"
Eileen: "Well, you're missing out. This pie is to die for!"
Andres: "Can we please not continue to talk of mortality over the feast on which I worked diligently all day?!"
Taylor: "Was that the alien version of, 'In front of my salad?'"
Eileen: "Oh my God, Tay, shut up! I am not explaining that to him."
Eileen: "Actually, to change the subject A LOT, Dale and I had something to announce."
Dale: "We're getting married! I asked . . ."
Eileen: ". . . and I said yes!"
Andres: "You two seem to be experiencing love, which is my favorite of the human emotions, and I am pleased to learn of it."
Taylor: "Ooh, dibs on picking bridesmaid dresses."
Rafael: "Cornflower will be so happy to hear that!"
Celeste: "Wow! Our first big milestone! I'm so proud of you, sweetie!"
Eleanor spoke in a little voice, which cracked a bit. "Would . . . would you all excuse me? I need to get some air . . . in the powder room . . . I . . . I'll be back . . ."
Kenzie: "Everything okay, El?"
Eleanor: "You can put your knife down, Kenzie. I just need a moment."
When Eleanor was out of the room, Kenzie laid in to her hosts.
Kenzie: "Way to go, guys! Your firstborn, the heiress, is working her butt off at a hard new career, NOT TO MENTION having the FIRST BABY of generation eight, but NOW you're happy and proud and it's a milestone and so on? Way to make her feel worthless!"
Dale: "Hey, not my fault. Now I gotta get ripped for my wedding."
Taylor: "I haven't left this seat because technically my feast interaction was canceled and I'm just sitting here until autonomy rubs my two brain cells together enough to do something else."
Eileen: "Aw, man, that wasn't how I wanted that to go at all."
Andres: "This is a correct perception, Ms. Kenzie. We do not wish to disparage my granddaughter. Do you think it would help if I conversed with her and relayed our true intentions?"
Kenzie: "I think you've all done enough 'relaying.' Have fun with the feast. I'm going to find El."
Kenzie: "Is this seat taken?"
Eleanor: "Huh? Oh, hey Kenzie."
Kenzie: "Family dinners, right? Woof."
Eleanor: "Yeah, I don't want to go over it right now."
Kenzie: "No prob. Let's just swing."
Eleanor: "Oh man, this makes me feel like a kid again!"
Kenzie: "Ha ha, yeah! It wasn't that long ago."
Eleanor: "It feels like it. I feel like I dove into the deep end without learning how to swim, and all my lifeguards are watching Olympic divers at the other end of the pool."
Kenzie: "El, you're my friend forever, but that metaphor was beyond tortured."
Kenzie: "Besides, if Twitter is to be believed -- and I see no reason it shouldn't be -- adulthood is 90% making stuff up and 10% filming your pets. See? You're already halfway there. That's math. And you're going to be a great mom. This is a lucky baby to get you as a mother."
Eleanor: "But I'm so irresponsible still! And I never got to accomplish my goals. And my romantic prospects are in the toilet."
Kenzie: "So what? Don't forget the 90%. Make your own path. Be a single mom if you want. Find a better partner. Have a career. Follow your dreams and love your baby. If you need help, I'll be there for you, and I know those jerks inside will be too, even if they're not always as careful with their words as they should be."
Eleanor: "Do you mean that?"
Kenzie: "That your family are jerks? Yeah, totes."
Eleanor: "No, that you'll support me as a single mom."
Kenzie: "El, we're best friends, and I mean, I'm unflirty. It's not like I'm gonna hook up with anybody myself anytime soon. You can always count on me."
Eleanor: "Maybe . . . is this crazy? It might be, but . . . before the baby's born, do you wanna move in? We can support each other."
Kenzie: "If I do, you know you can't move a dude in."
Eleanor: "I think it'll be okay. I'm so done with dudes right now."
Kenzie: "Then we have a plan. Now c'mon, wipe your mascara and smile for the camera! Say 'besties'!"
And then melodrama turns into horror. Just another day in the Gregory house.
While Eleanor and Kenzie were sorting out life stuff, others were working on holiday traditions. Rafael is, unsurprisingly, not well-liked by the gnomes.
He figure it out on his third try and I got to watch him be zapped by lightning, so it all worked out fine. Quite an unsettling collection of gnomes we have here, by the by.
Eleanor: "Hey, sorry I stormed out. I'm really happy for you. You and Dale! It's so exciting. I'm just a little jealous, I guess."
Eileen: "No, I'm sorry we made you feel bad. You know I love you, and I know you'll find your prince charming too."
Eleanor: "Well, maybe not. I think I'm going to have Kenzie move in to help me raise my baby and just forget about trying to find a husband."
Eileen: "Really? You? But you've never had trouble getting a guy. Are you really sure you want to close off that possibility?"
Eleanor: "Well, there was this one guy I met recently, but . . . oh, never mind. I probably shouldn't even think like that. Yeah, I don't think I'm meant to find that particular type of happiness."
Eileen: "Whatever you say. You know you can always talk to me, right? We're twins forever and ever, no matter where we go."
Eleanor: "I'm going to miss you, Eileen."
Eileen: "You too. But just wait. We'll both be so happy. You'll see. It'll all work out."
With that, Eileen moved out to go start her life with Dale.
Eleanor: "I hope wherever she's going has a toilet."
And then Rafael got abducted.
Andres: "My daughter's buffoon has finally absconded, perhaps for good! May he stay lost this time, unlike when he became disoriented on a walk down the block with the canine last Tuesday."
My sentiments exactly. Well, not exactly, but close.
Unfortunately, even the aliens couldn't stand him and they sent him back (thankfully non-pregnant since he's still an adult and there was space!).
Meanwhile, Eleanor is sleeping in her childhood room. This is normally the point where I would move the older couple downstairs and the new couple would take over the master bedroom, but A) there is no new couple and B) Andres is still occupying the elder bedroom. I hadn't figured out quite what to do with her yet.
PSA: A chance ghost haunting reveals that the dollhouse's shadow is a total cop-out.
Trying to distract herself from her difficulties in social media (I am having the hardest time getting her followers to get her promoted) and her uncertainties about her future, Eleanor turned to working on her aspiration, chipping away (sometimes literally) at the artifacts she had brought back from Selvadorada. At the thought of that name, her thoughts turned to Orlando. She knew she was being stupid, but she couldn't help thinking he would treat her right. He obviously had his life together at his age, right? Maybe . . . and then she chipped a little too much and swore. Daydreaming was fun, but there was still so much to do in the present, and she knew that with a child on the way, her chances to make it out to Selvadorada would be slim for many years.
While Eleanor labored unsuccessfully at social media, her pregnancy progressed. Her parents became more supportive, but Celeste still loved to tell Eleanor about all the backaches Celeste had had when pregnant with the twins, which wasn't exactly helpful.
Through it all, even through terribly inappropriate outfits, Eleanor headed dutifully off to work, but she spent more and more time working on her artifacts. Her childhood dream of being an influencer was tarnished by her new realization of how difficult it was to truly break in to the big leagues. She found herself increasingly unhappy with the way things were going, and she daydreamed often. She wished she could start over and take a different path.
Still, there was a bright spot. Kenzie's lease was finally up and she moved in to help Eleanor out. As Eleanor was now towards the end of her third trimester, it was a great relief to have her best friend to assist her around the house, as well as serve as an emotional support, because Eleanor was in turmoil, let me tell you.

Of course, when I came back from Manage Worlds, Taylor somehow managed to get herself stuck here, in a spot of carpet above the basement stairs that I can't delete for some reason, and I had to delete the stairs to get her out. I don't even know.
To prevent future stupidities in this corner, I built this lovely little display.
Eleanor: "So, I was just thinking, what if I headed to Selvadorada just for a bit, you know, when the baby's young. Will they even really notice?"
Taylor: "Uh, really? What's the big rush? You can go as a family when the kiddo's older."
Eleanor: "I just feel like I'm wasting my life and spinning my wheels. I'm . . . so lonely, and this social media thing is going nowhere."
Taylor: "Yeah, but that's no reason to jet off on a whim. What's so hot in Selvadorada that it can't wait?"
Eleanor: "Ugh, I knew you wouldn't understand!"
Eileen visits often because the sisters are very close and even Kenzie can never take the place of Eleanor's twin. Luckily, she's often very helpful when she does visit. Technically, she's still unmarried because I don't want Eleanor's pregnancy to progress while I play Eileen and Dale.
Speaking of helpful people, Kenzie has been skilling frantically. She's a perfectionist insider, and like she said, unflirty. Her aspiration is Nerd Brain. She's been working on domestic skills like cooking and handiness with some logic sprinkled in. Her cooking skill allowed her to make a cake for Taylor's birthday.
Hard to believe all my girls of generation seven are now adults and generation eight is on the way! Taylor joined Dale and Eileen, and she has her own special someone to look forward to spending time with when Eleanor's not pregnant. Happy birthday, Taylor!
Celeste is working on Painter Extraordinaire, and this was her first masterpiece. She was interrupted, however, by a sudden shout from upstairs.

A little while later, Celeste was coaching her daughter through labor.
Celeste: "Just breathe, sweetie. It's going to be okay. When you're done, you'll have a darling baby to hold."
Celeste: "Although I will say, this was a lot easier for me looking at your father's handsome face, and . . ."
Eleanor: "MOM! Not helping!"
Soon enough . . .
Eleanor: "Welcome to the world, Simon Gregory."
Eleanor: "He's so cute! Aww! I could just stare at you forever!"
Kenzie: "Support the head, El!"
Celeste: "So, you'll reconsider your plans now, surely?"
Eleanor: "Mom, I've thought this through. I have to do this. And I know you two will take good care of Simon. It'll all be fine."
Kenzie: "I don't really approve either, but I'm here for whatever you decide is right for you."
Celeste: "*sigh* Yes, me too. Simon will be in good hands."
Eleanor: "Hey, Orlando, I don't know if you remember me. My name's Eleanor and we met at the karaoke bar . . . oh, you do? Great! I was wondering if your offer is still on the table."
Eleanor: "Sweet baby Simon, I hope I'm making the right choice, and I hope you'll forgive me some day if I'm not. I love you, my baby boy, and when I get back, you'll see, I'll have this all figured out. It's going to be fine. Yeah, it'll all be okay."
With Eleanor on her way to Selvadorada again while Simon is a baby, what does the future have in store for this family? To find out, you'll just have to keep reading! I'm hoping to get more chapters out soon because I've played ahead pretty far. Thanks for reading (and putting up with my narrative digressions/experimentation) and check in with me at Boolprop! <3
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