Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Gregory Legacy, Chapter 11

Whoa! An update and it hasn't been a month or so since the last one? What is going on?! I've just been playing a lot and want to keep caught up, so here you go! Last chapter, not a whole lot went on. We had some birthdays, Tessa grew up and moved out and got married, Henry lost and then gained romantic prospects, and Aaron and Dayna continued to date. Nothing that really moved the legacy forward. Well, that's different from this update, where we *rocket* forward in the main family. Read on for more!

But first, here is Tessa, visiting the family. Well, some of the family. The family she didn't really know, and it made her so sad she didn't interact with the living family, but I guess it's something.

And speaking of rockets, Aaron finished his. Just in time for him to age up and use it for its true purpose. *wink* Sorry about the fact that I am apparently unable to properly center photos. So many of my pictures are just a smidge off, and it's always to the left. Maybe I should sit farther to the right or something. Hmm. Anyway . . .

Nathan was about to die and he is entirely too useful to go yet, so I gave him a potion of youth. It'd also be nice for a sim in my legacy to actually get to meet their grandkids while they're alive. Now he can do that, as well as keep gardening and fixing/upgrading things until someone else develops some skill in those. I'm also planning on redoing the house soon, once they get a little more money. Marjorie still wants to be a Mansion Baron, and in the legacy I'm playing with my friend Kristina, I Hart Space!, I built a really kickass house (in my humble opinion) that makes the Gregory abode look kind of quaint, and not in a good way. I want Nathan around to use his Nerd Brain aspiration-granted instant upgrade powers on any new fixtures or appliances I add when I redo the house.

In the mean time, though, the legacy right now mostly revolves around romancing. Dayna and Aaron are always hanging out, and Henry is working on wooing Bria, the romantic girl he met at the park at the end of last chapter. Unsurprisingly, with two romantic sims, their courtship is going well.

It's finally time for Aaron's adult birthday, and the counter is again disgusting. Everyone uses that one counter to cook everything and no one ever cleans it until I notice it, am grossed out, and force someone to do some basic home maintenance. Seriously, sims, how hard is it to wipe off a counter?! Anyway, we've got another hamburger cake, and Aaron baked this one himself as he is trying to gain some cooking skill. He looks awfully proud of himself, don't you think?

We didn't have a party this time because I was tired of them, but Bria and Dayna were both visiting at the time. Basically, no one really cared about Aaron aging up. His own girlfriend is too busy taking selfies at the pool to celebrate.

They were awfully excited about Dayna growing up, though. I guess they have birthday fatigue too, but they're thrilled to be gaining a new family member.

After her birthday, Aaron asks Dayna to move in, and I then had to do some fancy manage-households-work because Dayna lived in a household with all teens, but now that she was an adult, it told me I couldn't have a household with all teens if I moved her out. What? Why can I create an all-teen household with CAS but not through moving? That's just dumb. I moved some random townie in with them, and Dayna was free to join the Gregorys.

She got a bit of a makeover, and as you can see, she has the snooty walk, so it appears that she rather likes it. I wanted her to look a little more grown up, but still kind of sporty.

Marjorie and Dayna then bond, because Marjorie has 10 painting skill, and Dayna wants to be a Painter Extraordinaire. Oh yeah, and they share a trait. We learned already that Dayna is a perfectionist and squeamish (so she will take longer to paint and be a pain about cleaning that counter, and a honeymoon to GF is right out), but she picked up an adult trait as well. Which the game picked since she was out of my control when she aged up. And what, out of all the traits that could possibly have been assigned to her, did she get? Hates children. Of course. So we'll have another generation of tense pregnancies, and there are now three sims in the house that want to smash the dollhouse. Sigh.

Dayna does seem to wonder a bit about what she's gotten herself into as she gets to know Aaron's family. Marjorie's trademark dramatic stories get a very tense grin from Dayna.

Before she gets to know the Gregorys too well, Aaron decides to pop the question. They've been dating for ages now and have nearly full bars, so it's no surprise that Dayna accepts.

Dayna: "So, now that we're adults and engaged, where do you want to do it first? Observatory, rocket ship, hot tub?"
Henry: *choke*
Aaron: "Um, let's take this discussion elsewhere, sweetie."

And so the time has come for a wedding. Marjorie bakes a nice cake, which I eventually left on the dining table like a noob. Oh well.

Aaron. Aaron, come out.
"I don't wanna."
Aw, but it's your wedding day. Don't you want everyone to see your awesome wedding suit?
"Are you kidding? I look ridiculous!"
Hey, it worked for your grandpa Jaron, and it's going to work for you.
"Fine, but I want to note I'm wearing this begrudgingly.

Yes, it's the return of the Sexy Suit, Luxury Party Stuff edition. I pretty much bought that just so Gregorys can get married in shiny clothes in honor of the sparkly suit-wearer that helped found this legacy. That and hair. You can never have too many hairs.

"Whatever. I just hope the bride looks better in sparkles than I do."

She does, in fact. Dayna is looking lovely and is all ready too. In fact, everyone's dressed and have topped-off motives, ready to head to the venue and have an awesome wedding, except . . . let's do a headcount here . . . wait, where's Nathan?

"I'm a tiger? Rawr?"

Damn it, Nathan. This is not the time to be getting sick. Go take some medicine immediately so you can see your son get married and not ruin my pictures. I want to note, this is the beginning of the Great August Plague that ripped through the Gregorys. Oh yes, just the beginning.

At the wedding venue (that I built! yay!), Dayna walks down the aisle toward her shining beau. The rest of the family stands around like dorks because I cannot figure out how to make sims sit for weddings.

As the guests trickle in, we get to see some familiar faces like unimpressed simRoxy and daydreaming Dorian, as well as an assortment of townies and legacy loves like angry Gavin there. In the background is a Marjorie cosplayer, but she forgot her hat.

The wedding is quite well-attended thanks to all the socializing Aaron did while Henry was looking for a girlfriend. As usual, there are a few crashers, but that doesn't bother me.

A beautiful ceremony is held and Dayna becomes Dayna Gregory (in my head, at least). Congratulations to the generation 3 couple!

As the reception gets underway, simRoxy heads off to distract Henry from the homework he autonomously started to do, while Marjorie whips up a new cake in the little kitchen way in the back there to replace the one I left at home.

"You don't look so hot, honey."
"No, that's the problem. I'm too hot. I'm dying here. Maybe wearing a suit made exclusively of sequins and shiny rayon was a bad idea."

Naw, it's just more Plague. Aaron got a fever and an uncomfortable moodlet, but there's not a computer on the lot so I couldn't order any medicine for him. Luckily, it ran its course and was over before the party even ended.

More party pics. Tessa's husband Bryson provided his usual spectacular bartending service, Corinne and Dorian hug constantly as though they don't see each other all day every day, and some crasher starts the dancing. I admire his commitment to the dress code.

Aw, how sweet. I'd Lysol the hell out of that fork when you're done if I were you, though, Dayna. Aaron's still sweating out his fever.

Altogether, a good time was had by all and the wedding was another gold medal party. I think I've got weddings and birthday parties pretty well in hand by this point, so maybe I should try other parties. Eh, maybe when I'm more motivated.

Upon arriving home, Dayna runs straight upstairs to destroy the dollhouse, still in her gown.

Nothing says "let's try for a baby" quite like smashed children's toys, but Dayna and Aaron finally get to consummate their relationship, and since Aaron's aspiration (Big Happy Family) has been on hold forever waiting for him to be an adult and parent, I'm hoping to make it count. I also got him the fertile trait for two reasons. One, I haven't seen multiples in my game yet and I'm starting to get really jealous of all the adorable twins and triplets I've seen. Two, each attempt will make Dayna tense, so it's better for the fertile trait to make things more likely to take.

"Milday, might I interest you in a ride in my rocketship?"
"Are you still trying that schtick? I already said yes! Let's get this thing going!"
"Well, when you put it that way . . ."

Hee, these animations are terrific. They had a successful flight and landed safely.

While the third gen. couple are off . . . exploring space . . . Henry invited Bria over and gets his first kiss while still in his penguin suit, which can't have hurt things. He does look rather cute in it.

"I'm pregnant! Hurray!"

"Oh, wait. Pregnancy results in children. Crap."

"So . . . I'm pregnant!"
"What? Why?"
"Uh, because you need three children, dude. Big Happy Family. Look it up."

I wish the fathers were a little more happy in this animation.

Dayna, you're like one hour pregnant. How are you this big already?
"I'm eating for two!"
But you haven't eaten anything yet either.
"It's science, duh."

On top of being instantly tense, Dayna comes down with the Plague, and has to polish off some medicine too. Three sickies in one day was a little annoying.

"So, Mrs. Gregory . . ."
"Just call me Marjorie."
"Okay, Marjorie. As you may be surprised to learn, I'm expecting already and . . ."
"That's great news!"
"Wait, you're not tense?"

"Not yet. I'm sure there's still time for that, though."

I'm really nervous that Marjorie will get angry at her grandchildren like she did at her brother. I know they don't get angry at their own children, but I just don't know if that carries over to the next generation. With both of these two hating children, though, I suppose I will have plenty of opportunities to find out.

And the Plague has come full circle with Nathan getting sick again. This family is going through medicine like it's water.

I took some couple portraits. That's what I'll be doing to immortalize the family. I finally figured out that they'll do different poses if you end the interaction and do it over again, but there's a large part of me that wants the photo studio to work like a posebox, basically. I WANT CONTROL!!!!!! Argh. Sorry about that. Ahem. Yes, I'd like to choose the poses, ideally.

Aaron catches the final instance of the Great August Plague, and we're back to tiger stripes. They got quite a variety of diseases in the space of two days. On another note, Aaron has been working out and playing chess religiously, and signed up for the astronaut career finally, entering several levels up, but he doesn't go in for a few days.

Henry's birthday comes around soon after the wedding and the family kind of celebrates it. Dayna is paying attention at least, and Aaron is either singing or letting out the most epic yawn ever. As you can see, his birthday cake is actually the first wedding cake that got left at home. I stuck it in the fridge and since it miraculously survived two gluttons in the house for a day or two, I decided to put it to use.

Although Dayna is tense as hell and only buoyed up by her wedding moodlet, Aaron is very excited to meet his first baby. Despite being insane and hot-headed, I think he'll actually make a pretty good father.

Marjorie is finally old enough that she gets her potion of youth too, although the fact that she's insanely telling herself a story whilst drinking it means that Nathan gets her sparkles as he's walking through to get to his garden.

"Um, excuse me, dead sad lady, but I am very pregnant and about to pass out. Could you 'cry it out' in someone else's bed?"
"Oh, sorry dear. Of course."

"I'll just have a little cry over here in the corner instead."
"Grandma . . ."
"I just can't believe what my legacy's become! I was so normal!"

Yeah, well, welcome to my game, Natalie.

Aaron heads off to his first day as a technician and Dayna heads to the bathroom. She's doing that a lot.

"Your move, bro."
"Wait? You still live here? Aren't you an adult?"
"Well, yeah, but she doesn't want to mess around with the House for Wayward Spares until Dayna is safely out of her pregnancy."
"Oh, right. You can't count on the pregnancy not progressing, and no one wants a randomly-named baby."
"Yup. So I'm just here for another day or two."

Okay, boys, that's enough fourth wall breaking, but yeah, they're right.

Dayna is super close, though, and she's huge! Maybe it's because she's pretty trim, but that belly looks pretty big on her. Could it be . . . ?

"Oh, god, Aaron, it's time!"
"What? Time for what? Oh, wait, I know . . ."

"Time to destroy that repaired dollhouse again!"

Yes, he really did pre-parental panic his way into the playroom and trash the dollhouse while his wife was giving birth. Such a functional family.

However, Dayna didn't need Aaron's help to successfully deliver a darling little boy with Aaron's skintone.

However, Aaron did rush over to cuddle the baby's darker-skinned brother, who appeared in the next room over. Yes, that's right, the fertile trait finally worked for me and they had twins!!!!

So, everyone meet little Liam on the left and Luke on the right, who both look appropriately nonplussed once they realized where the stork dropped them. I am so pleased to finally have twins to look after! It'll be interesting to see what it's like caring for them, and I can hardly wait to see what they're like when they're older. We'll have to wait to find out more about these twins though, because we've reached the end of another chapter. Thanks so much for reading! Be sure to check back next time to see the twins grow up, Aaron and Dayna's third child, a house makeover, and much more! Check in with me at SiMania or Boolprop in the mean time, though. :)

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